Daryl and Missy Townsend own two transition houses. The houses help men that were converted in prison get started in the free world once they are released from prison. They offer free room and board until men are able to find employment. The men who are invited to live in the transition houses are baptized Christians and living with other men in similar circumstances provides ongoing accountability, continued counseling and Bible studies, plus an opportunity to assimilate into the local church community.
Daryl offers the use of an automobile provided by the not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization called Off The Chain Ministries. Off the Chain helps provide for the needs of released men and covers expenses related to the work.
The two living facilities have the capacity to serve about 9 men in the transition program. Daryl’s primary purpose with this program is to continue to help these men grow and mature in Christ outside of prison. Funding for the transition program is provided by the generous donations of individuals.
Off the Chain helps inmates and ex-convicts put on the Lord Jesus Christ and get back on their feet.